Create a map of cities you've visited.

Add more cities (towns, places, islands, airports, etc.) as you travel. See how your travel stats grow: lists of countries (members of the United Nations, colonies and overseas territories, partially recognised and de facto states, regions of the Travelers' Century Club, etc.) and regions you've visited, continents you've set foot on, the southernmost latitude you've reached, etc.

Share the map on your blog or social networks.

Be a professional traveller. Keep track of your past trips, add dates and cities visited. Own your data: download all to backup or import your previous records (so Been Everywhere is possibly a better alternative to Tripadvisor's Travel map). Or even quit travelling and erase your account to enter a monastery in the Himalayas or on an island in the White See. (Sorry, we are overselling, some of the features TBD.)

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